
What is the Astrology Lions Gate Portal on 8.8?

Have you ever heard of the astrology Lions gate portal that happens every year on August 8 or 8.8?

Today we welcome in the New Moon in Leo along with the astrology lions gate portal and there is no more courageous, outgoing, and strong sign than Leo the Lion! SLAY THE DAY!!!

UPDATE: Here’s a link to the Lions Gate Portal – August 8, 2023

astrology lions gate portal

The Lion’s Gate peak occurs on August 8, 2021 and is when the sun lines up with the galactic center. It is said to be the celebration of when Sirius is now visible over the horizon. This is a powerful time for aligning with your goals as the veils between the physical/spiritual world will be thinner. Dreams, intuitive insights and clarity around beginnings/endings could come up.

History of the Lions Gate Portal

Astrology Lions Gate Portal A Peek into the Past

For countless years, people have respected and acknowledged the Lion’s Gate Portal. This incident had significant significance for the ancient Egyptians. When Sirius, the brightest star in the sky, rose in the east and lined up with Orion’s belt and the Great Pyramids of Giza, the Lion’s Gate Portal opened for them.

The spiritual sun, Sirius, was thought to bring heavenly forces to Earth. In the ancient Egyptian calendar, its alignment signaled the beginning of the New Year. This astronomical alignment also happened to coincide with the flooding of the Nile River, a crucial occurrence that brought life, underscoring the Lion’s Gate Portal’s potent significance for rebirth and renewal.

Astrological aspects of the Lion’s Gate Portal in The Dance of the Planets

The astrology Lions gate portal happens when the sun is in Leo, the lion’s sign. Leo is a fire sign and is recognized for its bravery, zeal, and leadership. Due to the symbolic meaning of the number 8, this potent energy is amplified on August 8th, or 8/8, a day connected with strength and abundance.

Additionally, Sirius aligns with the Earth more closely during this time, illuminating our world with its high-frequency light. This opens up a spiritual-physical-energetic doorway that gives us access to higher levels of consciousness.

astrology lions gate portal

Astrology Lions Gate Portal – How to Maximize the Energy

Practical Tips for Navigating the Astrology Lion’s Gate Portal

While the Lion’s Gate Portal is an event of strong energy and possibility, remember that it’s vital to stay grounded and centered at this time. Here are some practical recommendations to help you manage this strong astrological event:

Rest and Hydrate:

High-frequency energy can often be overwhelming. Ensure you’re well-rested and hydrated to preserve your physical well-being.

Get out in Nature on August 8th – 8.8.

Spend time in nature:

Nature can help you ground the tremendous energies of the Lion’s Gate Portal. Whether it’s a walk in the park or sitting by a body of water, connecting with nature can help balance your energy.

Journaling at the Astrology Lion’s Gate Portal

Writing down your thoughts and feelings can be a terrific way to process and comprehend the energy you’re experiencing.

Reach out to like-minded individuals: Sharing your experiences with others who are also tuning into the Lion’s Gate Portal might bring support and shared understanding.

Let Go of Old Patterns at Astrology Lions Gate Portal

The energy of the Lion’s Gate Portal can give you the confidence and drive to shed old patterns and beliefs that no longer serve you.

By embracing these practices and tips, you can harness the immense energy of the Lion’s Gate Portal to actualize your deepest dreams and aspirations. Remember, this is a moment of personal strength and spiritual growth. Use your time wisely to achieve the life you seek and deserve.

Using the Astrology Lions Gate Portal for Confidence

Take this day and find the confidence, courage and channel this powerful portal to set and attract new intentions.

The Lion’s Gate Portal is a mesmerizing occasion that glistens with powerful potential and energy. It’s a yearly celestial event that reminds us to maintain our equilibrium. Remember that balance is essential as we proceed to discuss the tips and methods for navigating this potent astrological event.

Rest and hydration come first and are essential. The astrology lions gate portal high-frequency energy can occasionally be too much to handle. Maintaining your physical well-being and staying hydrated will help you stay resilient to these strong energies.

Spending time in nature is another method for balancing this strong energy. Connecting with nature can help you ground and harmonize your energy, whether it’s taking a stroll through the park, relaxing by the lake, or just taking in the greenery around you. The peace of nature might provide a calm setting for this cosmic occurrence.

Writing in a journal is another useful strategy for getting through this astrology lions gate portal . It can be quite helpful to digest and comprehend the energy you’re experiencing by putting your ideas and feelings in writing. It enables you to communicate your feelings, investigate new concepts, and evaluate your development.

Connect with like-minded people

The benefit of connecting with like-minded people cannot be overstated. Sharing your experiences with people who are tuning into the Lion’s Gate Portal can help you understand others’ perspectives and make your own life more fulfilling. It’s a great way for everyone to advance and commemorate this heavenly occasion.

Lastly, think about letting go of old habits during this period. To release ingrained behaviors and ideas that don’t serve you anymore, you may need the strength and inspiration that the energy of the astrology lions gate portal can offer. It’s a chance to purge yourself of negative memories and make room for fresh, uplifting improvements.

You may get the most out of the Lion’s Gate Portal by adopting these habits. It’s a period of rising spiritual awareness and inner strength. Make the most of this opportunity to create the life you deserve and want.

Watch the New Moon in Leo | Lion’s Gate Portal video on YouTube here.

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