The New Moon in Gemini 2023 will occur on June 18, 2023, at 12:37 AM Eastern Daylight Time. The New Moon is in Gemini, marking the start of a brand new cycle. As the Taurus New Moon cycle concludes, the Gemini New Moon cycle takes its place​1​.
For those who are not aware, each new moon presents us with opportunities for change, growth, and new beginnings. And the New Moon in Gemini is no different. But what makes this moon special is the energy of Gemini – the sign of the Twins. This energy is all about communication and adaptability. It’s about being open to different perspectives and embracing flexibility in thought and action.
So, what does this mean for you? Well, this is the time to focus on improving your communication skills. With the energy of Gemini, this cycle encourages us to enjoy others’ viewpoints rather than just hunting for that one “correct” answer. It’s a time to question, to reflect, and to evaluate how much we truly understand and how well we communicate in a friendly, non-threatening manner​​.
The Gemini New Moon is an invitation to make important changes in our lives. It encourages us to be more open, more understanding, and more adaptable. It’s a call to embrace the twin-like nature of Gemini – to understand that there can be two sides to every story, two approaches to a problem, and two paths to a destination.

Now, let’s talk about an important aspect of this New Moon – the square to Neptune. When we talk about a square in astrology, we’re referring to a certain type of relationship between two planets. In this case, it’s between the moon (which is in Gemini) and Neptune. A square can bring tension and challenge, but through that, it also brings growth.
Gemini New Moon squares Neptune in Pisces
This square to Neptune might cause some disillusionment as we set foot on a new path. We may find ourselves wrestling with perceptions and expectations. It might be hard to see our direction, but our discomfort with the past can be very real now, which can motivate us to start anew​​.
But remember, it’s okay to feel lost or confused. These feelings are part of the process, and they don’t last forever. The energy of Gemini is adaptable and flexible, and this energy can help us navigate through the challenges brought by the square to Neptune. Neptune will retrograde June 20 – December 6, 2023 at 27 degrees Pisces.
Watch the June 2023 retrograde video:
New Beginnings with the New Moon in Gemini 2023
Lastly, this phase of the Moon will occur at 26 degrees and 43 minutes of Gemini. This will most significantly affect people born with personal planets and points at approximately 23 to 30 degrees of the Mutable signs (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Pisces) and 0 to 1 degrees of the Cardinal signs (Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn)​1​. So, if you belong to these groups, you might feel the energies and influences of this New Moon in Gemini 2023 more intensely.
The New Moon in Gemini on June 18, 2023, brings with it a wave of new beginnings, opportunities for improved communication, and a chance for deep personal change. It’s a powerful time to embrace the Gemini energy, face the challenges posed by the square to Neptune, and use this period to foster growth and transformation. So, as this new lunar cycle begins, let’s open our hearts and minds to the possibilities that lie ahead.
New Moon in Gemini 2023 Meditation Ritual
Here’s a simple meditation ritual that can help you harness your mental potential during the New Moon in Gemini 2023
Materials Needed:
- A quiet space
- A comfortable cushion or seat
- A journal and pen
- Two small crystals (any type you feel drawn to)
Mediation to Quiet your Mind: New Moon in Gemini 2023
- Prepare your Space: Find a quiet space where you won’t be disturbed. This could be a corner of your room, a garden, or any place where you feel safe and comfortable. Cleanse this area if you wish, perhaps by burning sage or simply tidying up.
- Set Your Intention: Sit comfortably and hold the two crystals in your hands. As Gemini is the sign of the Twins, these two crystals symbolize the duality and balance Gemini represents. As you hold these crystals, set your intention for this New Moon. This might be an area of communication you want to improve, or a perspective you want to understand.
- Deep Breathing: Close your eyes and start focusing on your breath. Breathe in deeply through your nose, hold for a moment, and then exhale slowly through your mouth. Do this for a few minutes to help your body relax and your mind focus.
- Mindful Meditation: As you continue to breathe deeply, visualize the New Moon in Gemini 2023 energy filling your mind and body. Imagine this energy as a shimmering, adaptable light, bringing mental clarity and open-mindedness into your life. Focus on your intention, imagine it as part of this energy, and feel it seeping into your consciousness.
- Journaling: After meditating for a while (15-20 minutes, or whatever feels right to you), slowly bring yourself back to your surroundings. Open your eyes, pick up your journal, and write about your experience. Write down any insights, ideas, or feelings that came up during your meditation. Remember, there’s no right or wrong here, just write whatever comes to your mind.
- Closing the Ritual: To close the ritual, express gratitude for the Gemini New Moon energy and the insights you’ve gained. You can say something like, “Thank you, Gemini New Moon, for your wisdom and guidance. I welcome your energy into my life and look forward to growing with you.”
Remember, the key to harnessing your mental potential is consistency. Try to perform this meditation ritual regularly during the Gemini New Moon cycle. Over time, you’ll likely find yourself becoming more open-minded, adaptable, and effective in your communication, truly embodying the energy of the Twins.
Watch the New Moon in Gemini 2023 readings on YouTube here..