Pisces New Moon 2023

Pisces New Moon 2023 – New Moon Tarot Spread

The Pisces New Moon 2023 occurs on February 20, 2023, at 1 degree of Pisces at 2:05 am EST. Both the Sun and the Moon are sitting in Pisces.

The Pisces New Moon 2023 is a Supermoon; since it is a New Moon, it will highlight where fresh starts and seeds need to be planted. Although since we are in the sign of Pisces, the last zodiac sign before the new year, this could represent tying up old themes to start yourself in a new place.

Pisces is the last water sign and wants you to let go of emotional wounds and wants you to embrace your emotional and vulnerable side of yourself. Ruled by Neptune this could be a good time to start a creative project. Music, Art, Creative Writing, starting a new hobby, or taking your old hobby into a new direction is perfect during Pisces season.

Saturn in Aquarius sits in out-of-sign conjunction with this full moon at 28 degrees of Aquarius. With the Sun and Moon in Pisces and Saturn so close this could bring up themes around needing to address lessons learned in your life around emotional healing possibly with groups of people or how you feel and react when you’re amongst certain colleagues, friends, etc…

At this New Moon in Pisces, we have the Sun, Moon, Venus, and Neptune all in Pisces. Since Saturn is only a few degrees away this could be a huge lesson around endings and beginnings for the entire collective that could be quite emotional in nature.

The Pisces New Moon 2023 – A Supermoon with Potent Astrological Influence

The heavenly bodies have long fascinated humans because they teach us valuable lessons and contain mysterious forces that direct us. The new moon is one such astrological event that is quite important. The effects are amplified further when coupled with a supermoon’s captivating potency. The Pisces New Moon is scheduled to appear in 2023, bringing with it a surge of spiritual development and transforming energy. Let’s explore the significant astrological elements of this remarkable event.

The Fish When the sun and moon are in the sign of Pisces, a new moon occurs. This harmonious energy is highly resonant with our emotions, intuition, and spirituality. Since Pisces is the final sign of the zodiac and represents endings and beginnings, this new moon is a good opportunity to reflect, let go of the past, and establish plans for the future.

This new moon’s supermoon status elevates it above all others. When the moon is at its closest point in its orbit to the earth, it is called a supermoon and appears larger and brighter in the night sky. This amplifies the new moon’s already intense energy and increases its influence on our lives.

The Pisces New Moon 2023 allows us to delve into the depths of our subconsciousness and discover the secret worlds within ourselves. Being a water sign, Pisces is linked to feelings, dreams, and the subconscious. It helps us to use our intuition and creativity, which enables us to develop deep insights and establish a connection with our higher selves.

Major Themes of Pisces New Moon

This new moon’s major themes include spiritual healing and awakening. It nudges us to let go of past hurts, habits, and notions that don’t serve us anymore. We can let go of emotional baggage thanks to Pisces’ ethereal energy, which moves us closer to a state of inner tranquility and peace. We must forgive ourselves and others at this time to cultivate compassion and empathy.

Additionally, Uranus, the planet of transformation and creativity, creates a harmonic aspect with the Pisces New Moon. This conjunction adds a spark of excitement and unpredictability to the Pisces energy. It denotes a period of liberty and acceptance of our uniqueness. It inspires us to push past our comfort zones, take on new challenges, and value our individual abilities and gifts. Additionally, this component might present unforeseen chances or breakthroughs that could advance our spiritual development.

This Pisces New Moon 2023 is marked by a major influence from Neptune, the planet that rules Pisces. Neptune stands for illusions, dreams, and spirituality. Our psychic and intuitive powers may be enhanced by its impact at this time, making it simpler for us to communicate with the spiritual world. Neptune’s energy can, however, also produce delusions and cloudy perceptions, so it’s imperative to maintain your sense of reality and discernment. It’s crucial to strike a balance between the idealistic and the realistic, letting our intuition lead the way without losing sight of reality.

Pisces New Moon 2023

The Pisces New Moon 2023 is a great opportunity to set goals and bring our wishes to life. Visualization and artistic visualization techniques are favored by Pisces energy. During this New Moon, spend some time in meditation, visualizing your objectives, and reaffirming your ambitions. Recognizing that the universe is assisting you on your journey, have faith in the strength of your dreams and instincts.

In conclusion, the Pisces New Moon 2023 delivers a transforming and spiritually charged energy that can direct us toward significant growth and healing due to its supermoon status. It encourages us to release what is no longer helpful to us and to embrace our emotions and instincts. We can make connections with our higher selves and learn important lessons as we explore the depths of our subconscious brains. This new moon invites us to embrace change, be real, and establish intentions.

Listen to your Sun, Moon, and rising sign tarot reading videos to get a holistic view of the energy surrounding your life.

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