Aries solar eclipse 2023 new moon tarot spread

2nd Aries Solar Eclipse 2023 – New Moon Tarot Spread

The 2nd Aries Solar Eclipse 2023 is a New Moon that occurs on April 20, 2023, at 12:17 am EST. Both the Sun and Moon are sitting in Aries at the last 29 degrees 49′ of the sign.

After the full moon in Libra that was on April 6th, you could now have information regarding relationships and alliances that are either no longer working or that you want to continue to build. This Aries new moon solar eclipse is the starting of brand new energy.

The Aries Solar Eclipse 2023 new moon wants you to plant seeds and begin to plan and strategize how to start the next 18 months on achieving goals and working with people to build better relationships.

If you remember we had the 1st new moon in Aries on March 21st at 0 degrees 48. Each of these new moons is asking you to look at your life and determine what brand-new goals you want to achieve. But at this eclipse, something needs to be eclipsed or removed from your life in order for you to feel confident moving forward.

We have now entered a new eclipse axis of Aries and Libra. We will still experience a full moon Lunar eclipse in Scorpio on May 5th and a full moon Lunar Eclipse in Taurus on October 28, 2023.

The Aries and Libra axis surrounds themes of action-oriented goals, starting new initiatives for yourself, but balancing the Libra themes of relationships with loved ones, colleagues, and practicing diplomacy, and wanting justice in areas that seem unjust and unbalanced. It is the ‘Me’ vs ‘We’ themes in our lives.

Listen to your Sun, Moon, and rising sign tarot reading videos to get a holistic view of the energy surrounding your life.

2nd Aries Solar Eclipse 2023 – New Moon Tarot Spread – April 20, 2023

The Aries Solar Eclipse 2023 new moon tarot spread reading is a cosmic trigger for empowerment.

In April 2023, the stars will line up for a powerful celestial event that will fascinate both astrologers and people who are interested in spirituality. The Aries New Moon Solar Eclipse is a very important event in astrology. It happens when the moon moves between the Earth and the sun, casting a shadow on our world. This powerful alignment brings in a wave of transformative energies that urge us to accept our uniqueness, ignite our passions, and start a journey of self-empowerment.

The Gemini The new moon itself is a sign of fresh starts, new beginnings, and the start of risky projects. It lets us know that the world is giving us a chance to start over and make plans for the next few months. As the first sign of the zodiac, Aries Solar Eclipse 2023 new moon is known for its fiery and assertive energy, which encourages us to take care of our lives with confidence and courage. Under the impact of this dynamic sign, we should step into the spotlight, say what we want, and go after our dreams without fear.

Now, when you add the eclipse to the mix, the energy gets even stronger. Solar eclipses are like new moons on steroids, making their impacts stronger and the atmosphere ready for change. They can make us feel strong feelings, shake up parts of our lives that have become boring, and push us to grow and change. When a solar eclipse happens in Aries, the effects are especially strong because this Aries Solar Eclipse 2023 new moon is a brave and pioneering sign, which increases the power of the eclipse to change things.

Astrologically, eclipses are seen as cosmic doors that invite us to let go of things that no longer serve us and make room for new possibilities. The Aries New Moon Solar Eclipse is a sign that it’s time to let go of old habits, beliefs, and limits that have been holding us back. It is a cosmic call for us to step into our true selves, share our desires without shame, and follow the path to self-empowerment.

During this astronomical event, we may be faced with parts of our lives that need to be rethought. The energy of the eclipse will show us where we have been holding ourselves back or not being our best selves. It will push us to break out of the limits we put on ourselves and reach our full potential. This may take courage and a willingness to face our fears head-on, but the benefits will be worth it.

Aries solar eclipse 2023 new moon tarot spread

The Aries Solar Eclipse 2023 new moon helps people grow and learn more about themselves. It tells us to take back our power, rediscover our passions, and start on a road that matches our deepest desires. It encourages us to be the heroes of our own stories by taking risks to create the life we really want.

To make the most of this energy for change, it’s important to set clear goals and do things that help us grow. During this time, self-reflection, writing in a journal, and meditation can be very helpful ways to connect with our inner knowledge and get clear on our goals. Physical activities that make us feel passionate and full of energy, like exercise or creative projects, can help Aries channel their energy in a useful and satisfying way.

In astrology, the Aries Solar Eclipse 2023 new moon of April 2023 is a very important event in the sky. It lights a fire inside us and encourages us to step into our power, accept our uniqueness, and follow our dreams without fear. As we use the energy of this cosmic alignment to change our lives, we have the chance to create a life that reflects who we really are and gives us the power to reach new levels of personal satisfaction. Accept this doorway to the heavens because it holds the key to your greatest potential.

Watch the tarot and astrology videos on YouTube here.

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