Happy March 2023! This March horoscope 2023 monthly tarot spread will be packed with new energy.
This could be the biggest energy shift of the year. Saturn and Pluto will both change signs in March. This means that long-lasting change in areas of Pisces and Aquarius could give us peeks into how we have been living and what needs to finally change for the good!
Pluto will move out of the sign of Capricorn and into Aquarius. This is a 20-year transit! You will see how you have been transformed from your career, job, self-worth, and goals standpoint and will enter a mental transformation for the next 20 years with Pluto in Aquarius.
Saturn will leave Aquarius where it has been for the last 2 1/2 years. Saturn taught us to seek independence in Aquarius and how to break free from the confines of regulations, but not without lessons along the way. Saturn moving into Pisces will be a more emotional lesson around what cycles we emotionally need to learn and grow through for the next 2 1/2 years.
During this March horoscope 2023 we also see Mars finally move out of Gemini which it has been for almost 8 months. It will move into the sign of Cancer.
Important astrology dates for March Horoscope 2023 – Monthly Tarot Spread
March 2 – Mercury moves into Pisces
March 2 – Mercury conjunct Saturn (29 degrees Aquarius)
March 7 – Full Moon in Virgo
March 7 – Saturn moves into Pisces
March 15 – Mars exits retrograde shadow
March 16 – Sun square Mars
March 16 – Venus moves into Taurus March 17 – Sun conjunct Mercury
March 19 – Mercury moves into Aries
March 20 – Sun moves into Aries
March 21 – New Moon in Aries (0 degrees)
March 22 – Pluto moves into Aquarius
March 25 – Mars moves into Cancer
March 28 – Mercury conjunct Jupiter (18 degrees Aries)

Monthly Tarot Spread for March Horoscope 2023
March is a month full of amazing things in the sky that can have a big effect on our lives. The Spring Equinox, the Full Moon in Virgo, and the Sun moving into the hot sign of Aries are all important astrological events. Let’s find out what these interesting cosmic events might mean for us.
Balance and Rebirth at the Spring Equinox
In the Northern Hemisphere, the Spring Equinox marks the transition from winter to spring. It happens when the sun moves across the equator, making day and night the same length. This peaceful balance shows a new beginning and a rebirth of energy. We can feel a rush of energy and hope to go after our goals and dreams during this time.
Astrologically, in this March horoscope 2023, the Spring Equinox happens in the first sign of the zodiac, which is Aries. Aries is known for being enthusiastic and full of energy. When the sun moves into Aries, it sparks our emotions and makes us want to act in a brave and decisive way. With the strong energy of this astrological season, now is a great time to make plans and start new projects.
Full Moon in Virgo: Getting down to business and getting organized
Shortly after the Spring Equinox, the full moon will be in the sign of Virgo, which is known for its hard work. Since Virgo is careful and pays attention to details, this is a good time to focus on practical things. It’s a time when we can look at our lives and figure out what needs to be changed and how to make those improvements.
The full moon in Virgo may make us want to improve our daily habits, clean up our surroundings, and pay attention to our physical and mental health. This is a great chance to get rid of unnecessary things, start healthy habits, and improve our plans for personal growth. By accepting Virgo’s hardworking energy, we can make our lives more efficient and well-organized.
Sun in Aries: Taking on Independence and Courage
As March goes on, the sun moves into Aries, which marks the start of a new astrological year. Aries is a fire sign, which means they are passionate, brave, and like to do things on their own. During this time, we may feel a surge of energy and confidence that helps us move forward on the road we’ve chosen.
When the sun is in Aries, it makes us want to be ourselves and stand up for ourselves. It tells us to take chances, be brave, and go after what we really want. This is a time for getting to know ourselves, when we can draw on our inner powers and set clear limits. As the world wakes up from its winter sleep, we can use this energy to make our dreams come true and make the world a better place.
The Spring Equinox, the Full Moon in Virgo, and the Sun in Aries will all happen in March horoscope 2023. These astrological events give us chances to grow, start over, and show ourselves. We can make the most of this month of change if we align ourselves with the forces of balance, practicality, and courage. So, let’s accept the wonders of the universe and start a journey of personal growth and empowerment.
Listen to your Sun, Moon, and rising sign tarot reading videos to get a holistic view of the energy surrounding your life.
Watch the March horoscope 2023 monthly tarot spread on YouTube here.