new moon in gemini tarot spread

New Moon in Gemini Tarot Spread 2022

The New Moon in Gemini tarot spread occurs on May 30, 2022, at 7:30 am EST at 9 degrees 3 ‘ of Gemini. Both the Sun and the Moon are sitting conjunct in Gemini.

This Gemini New Moon wants you to make new plans, and plant new seeds of intention around how you speak to yourself and others. Do you need to express yourself in a different way to be heard? Are you listening to others?

Gemini’s ruling planet, Mercury is still retrograde at this New Moon and goes direct on June 3rd. You may have indecision themes around communication, messages, decision-making, and mental activities that could cause some strain in your everyday life.

Mars moved into Aries, and Jupiter is in Aries at this new moon in Gemini tarot spread. Be prepared for energy around action, motivation, and inspiration to get something started could be themed in your world.

Join me as we discuss the astrological themes and pull tarot cards. Watch your Sun, Moon, and rising sign videos to see how this energy affects you.

New Moon in Gemini Tarot Spread 2022

The new moon in Gemini tarot spread will visit our skies on May 30, 2022. We find ourselves at the threshold of fresh starts, prepared to go out on a voyage of self-expression and successful communication as the moon and sun unite in this adaptable and intellectual zodiac sign. This strong lunacy calls us to set new goals and plant seeds of intention, especially in the way we speak to and relate to ourselves and others. There are astrological intricacies to be mindful of, though, just as there are with every celestial event.

Mercury, the planet that rules Gemini, is in retrograde motion during the time of the 2022 Gemini New Moon, and Mars and Jupiter are both in active Aries signs.

Let’s delve deeper into these astrological aspects and discover the transformative ideas they suggest.

Mercury is the planet of communication, mental flexibility, and idea interchange, while Gemini is an air sign. This new moon emphasizes the significance of revising our perspective on self-expression and interpersonal relationships. Gemini challenges us to consider whether we need to change the way we communicate in order to be heard clearly. Are we paying attention to others’ viewpoints by actively listening to them? As we work to create peaceful and successful communication in our lives during this lull, these introspective questions become crucial.

Planting Seeds of Intention and Embracing Effective Communication

Mercury, the planet of communication, is still moving backward during the new moon in Gemini tarot spread and will do so until June 3rd. Retrograde periods frequently prompt reflection and examination, prompting us to reevaluate different parts of our lives. Mercury is retrograde in Gemini, so we could experience themes of uncertainty, misunderstanding, and difficulties making decisions.

These circumstances can make it more difficult for us to go about our regular lives, so it’s important to be patient, keep our heads clear, and examine facts twice before drawing any conclusions. Accepting the retrograde energy gives us the chance to evaluate our communication strategies, pinpoint problem areas, and make the required corrections.

Additionally, both Mars and Jupiter are in Aries at the same time as the new moon in Gemini tarot spread. Jupiter stands for inspiration, growth, and inspiration, whereas Mars is a symbol of activity, drive, and aggressiveness. Our motivation and excitement are rekindled by the fusion of this fiery energy.

We can discover that we are overflowing with inspiration, driven by the desire to start fresh endeavors or follow our passions. This heavenly alignment encourages us to embrace boldness, channel the Aries energy, and move boldly in the direction of realizing our ambitions.

new moon in gemini tarot spread

But it’s important to approach this energy impact in a mindful and balanced way. Mars and Jupiter’s powerful and impetuous energy in Aries has the potential to cause hasty decisions or overly assertive behavior. It’s crucial to harness this ferocious energy positively, making sure that our deeds reflect our objectives and that we take other people’s feelings into account. We can move through this dynamic cosmic arrangement with grace and integrity by regulating our enthusiasm with discernment and maintaining a sense of groundedness.

We are invited to set out on a journey of authentic expression and successful communication during the new moon in Gemini tarot spread. We have the chance to improve our communication abilities, sow seeds of intention, and embrace the transforming power of attentive listening as we negotiate Mercury’s retrograde motion, Mars’ dynamic presence in Aries, and Jupiter’s expansive energy in Aries. Let’s use this heavenly alignment to catalyze growth by letting our words and deeds represent who we truly are and by creating relationships that elevate and inspire.

May this new moon illumine our way as we move gracefully and empathetically through the world of communication.

Watch the new moon in Gemini tarot spread tarot and astrology video on YouTube here.

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